Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Courtyard Cleanup - Update!

Last Saturday the weather held off just long enough for us to get our hands dirty and do some cleaning! With two strong guys to do the heavy lifting, one power saw, and one determined guy on the leaf blower we were able to stuff a dumpster full of rain-soaked tables and leaves. Now that the gunk is out, up next - the decorating!  Anyone have any ideas? How would you like to see the Art House Courtyard look?

claire hauling rain-soaked wood
The pink work gloves were a fashion statement ...

willie with a power saw
Just a few simple cuts ... and we're done!

clearing out lots of old wood and furniture
Those white boards ... they were once a bookcase!

the art house courtyard - so close to done
Why ... where did all that junk and leaves go?

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